Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What happens when Iceland breaks??

(I know this isn't exactly about Ireland...but it is only one letter difference) Has anyone else seen this?? I was just happily checking my e-mail, when I saw this article (Belgium...what?? We were planning on Bruges for Valentines day!) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/01/26/AR2009012600531.html?wprss=rss_world. Apparently, Iceland's economy has gone downhill, and now their PM has resigned, and their whole government completely collapsed!! I never would have suspected that Iceland would be a country to be in a state of political disorder...you just generally think of them as bathing in Hot Springs and going to the Opera. (Amy C. and Melissa, what will this do to our plans of going to Reykjavik?) It just shows that even though we tend to treat the recession lightly, it has a much greater global effect than we think.

On another note, I saw Slumdog Millionaire with my friend Melanie last night. For those of you who haven't seen this movie...it is completely brilliant. I can see why it has won so many awards. I would highly, highly recommend it.


  1. Um. This made me so sad. I had no idea. I'm sure the hot springs will still be there, but the people will be so sad they probably won't even use them.

  2. Crazy huh!
    I read an article about how it was falling apart in my international relations class last semester, but I didn't realize how serious it was... it was one of those things where you read about things like they are events from history... not historical events... am i making sense?
    PS... Molly you are turning out to be quite an avid blogger - i am thoroughly impressed!!!
    OOps... while i was spelling "blogger" i mistyped "blooger."
