Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Singing and Inaugurating

So today I attended a party at the Kingshead Pub in honor of the Inauguration of Barack Obama. It was a really trippy experience in the first place that it was such a big deal here...I saw Irish people wearing Obama shirts and everything. I enjoyed the John Williams piece. Also counted the number of times Obama said "hope." Lost count after 3. Was this as big of a deal in America as it was here???

I also attended a choral society meeting. I know I said I wasn't going to join, but during societies day, the little red headed director guy was so earnest about his choir that I was compelled to visit. We are singing a small collection of song that he arranges himself. He seems very serious about his craft, but also nice. One, I believe, is in Hungarian. The other is from O Brother, Where Art Thou. We sound pretty dang good for only one rehearsal too!

I have also reached the point in my Ireland adventure where I'm starting to see people that I know...only I don't really know them. For example, in choral society today, I saw Merrick. I mean, I nearly said "Hey Merrick" to this totally random stranger before realizing that I was a.) in Ireland, and b.) in choir. (He was not, obviously, Merrick, but an uncanny look-alike.) I also saw someone who looked like my friend Amanda, and it always takes me a minute to remember that these people are not actually people I know. It is just a very weird sensation to be somewhere and realize that you actually have almost zero chance of seeing someone you know since they are all an ocean away.

In other news, I will be going to Dublin this weekend with CEA, so that should be loads of fun!
For those of you who asked about my mailing address, it is
Apartment 473'
Corrib Village
Newcastle Road
Galway, Ireland
That's all. Just put that on the letters and they will get to me!


  1. Did you get pictures of the inauguration party? I would have liked to see what people were like.
    Have fun in Dublin. Keep trying to post pictures!!!

  2. Molly! I saw all sorts of people I knew when I was in Oxford. Weird, huh? Wishful thinking I guess.
