Sunday, February 8, 2009

Birthdays and Trips

I've decided that I should probably update my blog, since I've been shamefully neglecting it. Sorry blog.

As many people know, Wednesday was my 21st birthday, so I am officially legal in all countries! (although legal age in Ireland is 18, so it doesn't really make much difference here...) The birthday was a fun one; I made a delicious carrot walnut spice cake with one of my friends, and then a big group of us had a party and made pizza. I definitely had a birthday crown. We went out afterward, which was fun! It is always an interesting thing, going out in Ireland. In America, we tend not to see it as a weird thing if a big group of people go out together, but here, the groups are usually smaller (about seven at the most), so it is strange when a group of ten or eleven people go somewhere together...especially American girls!

Then this weekend, I went to Dublin with some friends, which was really fun. There was a rugby match this weekend against France, so our entire hostel was full of French people, an interesting experience...especially when you walk out in the morning to brush your teeth and are confronted by a French guy in his underpants. They didn't even seem awkward embarrassed about it, so we just said "Bonjour" back to them! I got to meet some other CA people (although they usually got to Brown and are studying at Trinity) and we had a good time wandering around St. Stephens Green (A park in Dublin). They knew some of my friends, so we went over to their apartment and made breakfast at around noon. Good times. I also got to hang out with some cool Dublin musicians, which was fun! It was snowing a little in Dublin, which sort of confused the whole city. It was gorgeous and sunny most of the time though. If we ever go back, one of my friends and I are going to try and get a free night at the hostel by performing a 40 minute set at their open mic night!


  1. Glad you updated! Are you ever going to take pictures??

  2. You are a fabulous blogger my friend. it is good to hear about how your life is going during your time in Ireland.

  3. Molly that sounds amazing - you are a regular irish lass :)
