Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wanna know a Secret... Promise not to tell?

Here's the thing... I am generally a moral person. I obey the law, respect authority and don't cheat on my taxes (an easy thing to do when you don't make any money).

HOWEVER...last night...we ran out of toilet paper in my apartment. This is a problem when you live with three other people. My roommates and I all live pretty busy lives, and so there never seemed to be a good time to refill our toilet paper supply...until suddenly it was nearly midnight.

Perplexed and desperate, we resorted to an old trick I learned during my time at NUIG. We borrowed some from the library. This involved nonchalantly sauntering into the girl's restroom and filling a handy bag we'd brought full of toilet paper (after we discovered we couldn't actually make off with the entire roll).

Now before you leap to judgment calls, let me explain myself.
Number one: I pay lots of money to CBU every year, and thus I should be allowed to use as much toilet paper as I want.
Number two: The library denied me a job, and quite frankly, they weren't very nice about it.

Conclusion: I should be allowed my toilet paper.

The creamer and sugar packets I've been "borrowing" from the caf...I'm still working on excuses for those...

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha. molly. i wish you blogged more often because you make me laugh.
