Thursday, March 12, 2009

On Sickness

So for the past few days I have been lying like a useless lump in my bed, catching up on reading, sleeping, and watching Castle (awesome show!!) on my laptop. Why is this? Because I have the mumps. Yes, it is an actual disease, that apparently, people (like me) actually get. I didn't really think people actually got the mumps anymore, but ha ha world, I have proved you wrong!! (despite being vaccinated against it, which the doctor told me can sometimes not work effectively, especially if there is an outbreak, like there is currently at NUIG). Basically, I got a fever and get headaches, plus my face has swollen huge so I resemble a mutant chipmunk version of myself. Yay!

The disease first manifested itself during my weekend excursion to Scotland, which was pretty excellent. Edinburgh is the most beautiful city! (plus, they have the largest monument to any writer in the world...Go Sir Walter Scott!) I saw several bagpipers and a castle! I also found out that Edinburgh is much like the Mid State Fair, because you can buy deep fried Mars bars (which I did not sample, but it is a testament to the city's awesomeness that they are there in the first place...) I did sample some Scotch whisky at a cool folk music bar (It is famous in Scotland, along with butter tablet, which is basically butter flavored candy...yeah...I know...why?)

Anyway, it was fun, and I got to take a lovely train ride as well, but I spent a lot of it feeling really sick and avoiding hard foods. Luckily, I am finally getting a little better, and hopefully will feel good by next week or so, since apparently most cases of mumps only last a week to ten days. I've been keeping count.


  1. you should take pictures of yourself.

  2. Mumps! Mumps!? Wow. Like you, I did not even know that people still got that anymore! Crazy... I hope that this case clears up soon and that you will soon be feeling back up to frivolity once more.

  3. Yes, I agree, you should take a picture of yourself!
