Today I decided to take a little trip to Forever 21 to purchase a white t-shirt to go with my black pencil skirt and way too fashion forward hat. As I was walking to the store, minding my own business, a wonderful thing happened.
I saw a pirate.
He was wearing loose-fitting trousers, a stripey shirt, had a white beard...and an eye patch. I know, it was SO cool. I suddenly did this thing in my head where I imagine this whole scenario involving the pirate who was probably called One-Eyed Bill or something by his mates and unfortunately the crew was missing enough stripey shirts and they were threatening to mutiny unless Bill took action. Bill, with some misgivings, dons his civilian clothes and heads into the wide world. He immediately thinks of Forever 21, since they have many inexpensive nautical items and he can purchase a boating hat and anchor pendant. However, what he doesn't know is that Forever 21 is mostly for girls. DISASTER! He then decides to get an icy beverage at coffee depot and decides instead to go to the Gap where he will purchase several attractive shirts for his crew.
This is what went through my head in the 15 or so seconds when I crossed paths with the pirate. Along with "Can I join your crew since I have no future on land?"
These are the places my brain goes sometimes.
But really. It was a pirate.