Friday, October 30, 2009

Play it Sam...

So at my house, my dad has this record player, and sometimes (when it isn't broken) I really enjoy listening to albums. I go up there, stick on Toto's IV album, and sit there like one of those old hippie people thinking, "Yeah...let's bring back the album. Those were the days, man." (The fact that I was not actually alive when the album came out does not really occur to me...) I think that sometimes I would really like to be one of those people who are all "RESIST THE TECHNOLOGICAL MUSIC REVOLUTION!! STICK WITH THE CD!!"

However...this star-studded shiny-eyed idealism is REALLY difficult when you want to buy a CD and flipping B&N and Borders and all the independent record stores don't carry it cause it isn't THE latest CD by a particular band, and it's like six dollars more expensive on Amazon than it is to just download the thing on itunes. is my conclusion. I think I would like to be all cool and alternative. But I am probably not. I just want to listen to some music. The end. I am going to lunch now...

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